Fortune Cookie
"; $action = $_POST['action']; $number = rand(1,20); switch ($number) { case "1": $fortune="Shoot for the moon! If you miss you will still be amongst the stars."; break; case "2": $fortune="Keep your eyes open. You never know what you might see."; break; case "3": $fortune="It takes ten times as many muscles to frown as it does to smile."; break; case "4": $fortune="You can never been certain of success, but you can be certain of failure if you never try."; break; case "5": $fortune="Smile. Tomorrow is another day."; break; case "6": $fortune="Live each day as if it is your last."; break; case "7": $fortune="Nothing is sacred, unless you want it to be."; break; case "8": $fortune="Let your heart make your decisions - it does not get as confused as your head."; break; case "9": $fortune="Tell them what you really think. Otherwise, nothing will change."; break; case "10": $fortune="A virtual fortune cookie will not satisfy your hunger like that of a home made one."; break; case "11": $fortune="Someone close to you is waiting for you to call."; break; case "12": $fortune="Tomorrow, take a moment to do somethink just for yourself."; break; case "13": $fortune="Don't worry about things in the past, there is nothing you can do about them now. Don't worry about things that are happening now, make the best of a bad situation. Don't worry about things in the future, they may never happen."; break; case "14": $fortune="Being alone and being lonely are two different things."; break; case "15": $fortune="Dream your dream and your dream will dream of you."; break; case "16": $fortune="Life is too short to hold grudges."; break; case "17": $fortune="Try everything once, even the things you don't think you will like."; break; case "18": $fortune="Next time you have the opportunity, go on a rollercoaster."; break; case "19": $fortune="Being happy is not always being perfect."; break; case "20": $fortune="Open up your heart - it can always be closed again."; break; } if ($action == "go"){ echo_fortune($fortune); echo"Click the button below to open another cookie:
"; echo"